Informations générales
Premier gérant d'actifs européen parmi les 10 premiers acteurs mondiaux [1], Amundi propose à ses 100 millions de clients - particuliers, institutionnels et entreprises - une gamme complète de solutions d'épargne et d'investissement en gestion active et passive, en actifs traditionnels ou réels.
Ses six plateformes de gestion internationales [2], sa capacité de recherche financière et extra-financière, ainsi que son engagement de longue date dans l'investissement responsable en font un acteur de référence dans le paysage de la gestion d'actifs.
Les clients d'Amundi bénéficient de l'expertise et des conseils de 5 300 professionnels dans 35 pays. Filiale du groupe Crédit Agricole, Amundi est cotée en Bourse et gère aujourd'hui plus de 2 000 milliards d'euros d'encours [3].
Amundi, un partenaire de confiance qui agit chaque jour dans l'intérêt de ses clients et de la société.
[1] Source : IPE « Top 500 Asset Managers » publié en juin 2022 sur la base des encours sous gestion au 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublin, Londres, Milan, Paris et Tokyo
[3] Données Amundi y compris Lyxor au 31/03/2022.
En agissant chaque jour dans l'intérêt de la société, nous sommes un groupe engagé en faveur des diversités et de l'inclusion et plaçons l'humain au cœur de toutes nos transformations. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Date de parution
Description du poste
Type de métier
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - IT, Digital et Data
Intitulé du poste
Applications Development and Support VIE H/F
Type de contrat
Durée (en mois)
Date prévue de prise de fonction
Poste avec management
Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 10 globally
Amundi manages 1.563 trillion euros of assets across six main investment hubs.
Amundi offers its clients in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and the Americas a wealth of market expertise and a full range of capabilities across the active, passive and real assets investment universes.
Clients also have access to a complete set of services and tools. Headquartered in Paris, Amundi was listed in November 2015.
Thanks to its unique research capabilities and the skills of close to 4,500 team members and market experts based in 37 countries, Amundi provides retail, institutional and corporate clients with innovative investment strategies and solutions tailored to their needs, targeted outcomes and risk profiles.
Amundi Czech Republic
Amundi in Prague has around 140 employees. All business lines are present in this entity: Investment, Trading, Operations, Risk, Reporting …
IT in Prague collaborates with other Central Europe entities IT Teams to support 500 users in Central Europe
IT in Prague is organized in two teams with
Helpdesk and Infrastructure : 2 persons dedicated to infrastructure (End Users ‘desktop PC and support, Office, Servers and network, …)
Development and functional support : 5 persons dedicated to integration and maintenance of local and global applications
Role and Responsibilities
The candidate will join the Development and functional support team.
The position will cover a broad range of activities
- Business Analysis : Liaise with users to gather their needs and propose solutions
- Development : Implement proposed solutions and perform User Acceptance Tests
- Maintenance : Ensure daily production quality
- Application support on the Global Amundi Group Platform
This position is a great opportunity to be direct contact with different business lines such as Investment, Trading, Risk, Operation, Compliance, Sales …, and learn about finance and asset management
Localisation du poste
Zone géographique
Europe, République Tchèque
Critères candidat
Niveau d'études minimum
Bac + 5 / M2 et plus
Formation / Spécialisation
Master Degree from a top engineering school
Niveau d'expérience minimum
0 - 2 ans
Technical knowledge with some past IT development experience would be a plus
A first experience working in an Investment Bank, Asset Management Company, Custodian Company would also be a plus
Compétences recherchées
Excellent interpersonal skills
Capacity to work in a multi-cultural environment
Proactive in relation to identifying, analyzing and solving problems
Flexible & Adaptable
Commitment to completing work within strict deadlines
Enthusiastic for understanding and improving current tools
Outils informatiques
JAVA is a must, Hibernate Framework, Design Patterns, Git, some server knowledge, SQL (Oracle and SQL Server), linux, vba (to be able to read some legacy code), basic knowledge of PHP (for satellite user interface)
Anglais Courant indispensable - french and Czech could be a +